
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Summer High School For Credit

We begin registration for our Summer High School For-Credit Offerings on Tuesday, February 10th at 8:00am for all 8-11th graders. 

Our For-Credit Courses during the summer are only available in the High School's Kinetic Wellness Track. We will be offering Health & Wellness and Recreational Fitness (Blue) this summer beginning May 27th.

Scheduling a vacation or other fun activities this summer?  No worries, there will be three sessions offered this summer to choose from:
Session 1 - May 27-June 19
Session 2 - June 22 - July 16
Session 3 - July 6 - July 29 (Recreational Fitness - Blue only)

These courses are actually to get ahead and free a student's schedule's up during the school year to take other electives like Band or Theater.  It is a great way to get these semester courses out of the way in a short 18 days!

You can begin these courses after you have completed 8th grade.  It is a great way for incoming Freshman to be introduced to the High School environment, meet new friends and feel more comfortable on their new school campus.  

These courses run daily from 8:00am-2:00pm, giving students who need to work during the summer a chance to still hold a job and take a class.  

For busy parents & students we offer a pre-paid hot lunch option.  You can sign up before the course begins and select which days, based on our menu, you would like a hot, ready to eat, delicious, nutritious meal!

We do have some rules that need to be followed during our courses, like being on time, a dress code and most importantly that you can only miss 1 day (6 hours total) of class time or you do not receive a grade!  Since we pack so much information into such a short period of time, seat time is very important to get your grade!  

If you have conflicts like swim team or a "can't miss" vacation, then this summer might not be the right time to sign up for this course.  We do offer these selections every summer, so we hope that one of your next few summers you can find some time to join us and earn your high school credits!

Registration will be available on our website beginning Tuesday, February 10th!  Call us with questions!

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